Posted tagged ‘Andy Sookram’

Better Know a Member

October 16, 2008

Today we’re here with Andy Sookram the Secretary of the College Democrats.

Chris Puntarelli: So Andy what do you do as secretary?
Andy Sookram: What do I do? Everything. I am a key component of this organization, that’s what I’m told.
CP:What brought you to college democrats?
AS: What brought me to college democrats?
CP: That was the question yes
AS: Brian standing on a table during student orientation during July 2007. I was looking for a pre law organization and I found college dems instead and Brian sold the organization to me.
CP: What are your future ambitions in the organization?
AS: I’m thinking…. I mean I’m already part of the e board, probably go higher, vice president, maybe president I don’t know time will tell. I need to see if the time is right in my life. The future is unknown.
CP: When we go to events you’re usually the only brown person out there. Do you think that the college democrats are reaching out enough to minorities?
AS: This is a tough one. In terms of our campus?
CP: In general
AS: I think they want us brown people. Us brown people don’t really find politics that interesting, because the families think we have to be bigger and better things such as doctors and pharmacists.
CP: recently Ian Rivera said that brown people are only doctors and pharmacists, would you like to address that?
AS: that is true, the majority of them that I know have desires and ambitions to become those things.

CP: So what do you do besides cd?
AS: what do I do? I have to choose my words wisely now. …… besides college democrats I do…… I enjoy watching sports, hanging out with friends and enjoying life.

CP: What do you think of the recent debates?
AS: I think that you know, both candidates still didn’t answer a single question. I think that Obama had to prove that independents voter that he’s the best candidate. He went into detail in his programs both domestic and foreign while McCain has been blabbering around and criticizing his campaign instead of what Obama does, which is lay out his plan. I don’t know what mccains healthcare policy is. How is he going to fund those things?
CP: do you like Barack because he’s also dark skinned? (more…)