Posted tagged ‘New York’

SD-11 Race Final, Padavan Holds On.

February 11, 2009

With the annoucement finally here James Gennaro’s campaign sent out this statement.

Dear Friend:
     2008 was an exciting and most historic year for politics in America, and I’m proud we were a part of it.  All across the country and here in Queens, people cried out for change, and I’m proud that our campaign brought the promise of change to tens of thousands of doorsteps in a way unseen in four decades.
     I’m proud that almost 100,000 people voted in the 11th Senate District, and that half of those voters believed in and supported us.  I’m proud that we ran an issue-based campaign, educating the public about my opponent’s voting record, especially with regard to women’s health and rights, and proposing fresh new ideas like building a green economy and protecting New York City’s drinking water supply. I’m proud that we also enlightened voters to some of the serious problems that need addressing in Albany, like the billions of New York City taxpayer dollars that go to Albany to be distributed to other parts of our State and leave New York City struggling to pay for basic services.  And I’m proud that we ran a campaign of complete inclusion, uniting a wide range of supporters of all ages, ethnicities, religions and walks of life who collectively represent a new 11th Senate District, one of the 21st Century.
     Little did I know, however, that another, even more significant campaign was to commence after Election Day.  For three months that succeeded, our opponent and his Republican Party lawyers used every resource at their disposal to wage a systematic and sustained effort to either disqualify or deny the consideration of perfectly valid ballots.  As important as any local election is, the right to vote and have that vote count is of paramount importance.  This became our new focus – to fight our opponent’s attempts to disenfranchise voters and to ensure that every valid ballot would be identified and counted.  And, while we did not prevail in the election, we won a great victory: about 1,000 voters – Democrats, Republicans and Independents – who cast perfectly valid ballots in this most historic election – will now have their votes for President, U.S. Representative, State Senate, State Assembly and Supreme and Civil Court counted rather than discarded.
     I take this opportunity to thank in a special way my wonderful and supportive family, inspired and relentless staff, energetic and spirited volunteers, loyal and generous supporters and all the voters of the 11th Senate District, who by participating in this election demonstrated their personal commitment to our community and our great country.  It has been a great honor and a privilege for me to serve the public for the last 26 years in government and for the last seven years as a Councilman. I pledge to continue to fight for and serve the people of Northeast Queens.  There is serious work to be done in fixing our economy, preserving our communities, protecting our environment and making sure that the world we leave our children is a better one than the one our parents left us.
     I’m so grateful to you for your generous support, and I look forward to seeing you soon!  Of course, please feel free to send me a message any time at

All the best,

We wish him all the best.

Caroline Kennedy Drops Out Of Senate Race

January 21, 2009

According to the New York Post Caroline Kennedy has dropped out of the race to replace Hillary Clinton as the Senator from New York.

Governor Paterson also admitted on Tuesday to considering state Attorney General Andrew Cuomo for the spot. We’ll have more as it develops.

Record US Job Losses in 2008

January 9, 2009
2008 saw record job losses.

In 2008 Americans lost jobs at a rate not seen since the end of World War II.

(New York) – With unemployment at 7.6% close to 11 million Americans find themselves looking for work. This is the highest unemployment rate since January 1993. This number does not take into account the workers who have stopped looking for work or had to switch from full time to part time work. (more…)

Gov. Paterson Unveils 2009 NY Budget

December 18, 2008

Recently, NY Gov. David Paterson unveiled his 2009 Budget Proposal.

From the Daily News:

Trying to close a $15.4 billion budget gap, Paterson called for 88 new fees and a host of other taxes, including an “iPod tax” that taxes the sale of downloaded music and other “digitally delivered entertainment services.”…Movie tickets, taxi rides, soda, beer, wine, cigars and massages would be taxed under Paterson’s proposal. It also extends sales taxes to cable and satellite TV services and removes the tax exemption for clothes costing less than $110.

In these hard times it is obvious that the Governor would need to increase taxes to balance the state budget. In a state like New York, home to one of the most populous and active cities in the world, balancing the budget is no easy task.  However; is it really necessary to be taxing movie tickets and taxi rides?

NY Gov. David Paterson announces 2009 budget

NY Gov. David Paterson announces 2009 budget

It seems that a much better alternative would be to tax things that are bad for people. Soda and beer are prime examples. If people insist on using things that will hurt them in the long run, the government might as well make a profit off ofit. We have seen this work with the cigarette industry. Even several smokers are accepting of the taxes on cigarettes since they know why the prices are so high. Taxing things like iTunes music will just encourage people to pirate and steal more. Taxing movie tickets will just hurt the industry, since $10 a ticket has already caused many movie-goers to simply wait for the DVD (which of course they can now illegally download since iTunes is too expensive).  The budget also calls to cut services to schools and hospitals.

It seems to me that there is a more pragmatic approach to this budget deficit.  Smart taxing can offset the anger from unwise taxing, and from the anger of cutting services. However, I am no economist, and am no where close to the governors ear. Where is the NY state economy going? Will the tax increases and service cuts work?

Bye bye Bruno…

June 24, 2008

Only four days after letters were sent by Democratic candidates to State Senate Republicans demanding that they support the property tax cap, Republican State Senator Joseph Bruno (SD-43) saw the writing on the wall and decided not to run for re-election. What this does is open up his seat for an unanticipated uncontested dog fight. It will actually draw attention away from other vital State Senate races such as the Trunzo (R) v. Foley/Dahroug (D) (SD-3), Padavan (R) v. Gennaro (D) (SD-11), Maltese (R) v. Addabbo/Baldeo (D) (SD-15), and Hannon (R) v. McElroy (D) (SD-06).

It looks like Bruno’s successor, Dean Skelos (R) (SD-9), is going to be voted in today by Senate Republicans over Thomas Libous (R) (SD-52). When Skelos becomes the majority leader, it’ll be the first time since 1995 that the Senate power will return to Long Island. It’s too bad that the Senate majority will be short lived for Republicans with the departure of Joe Bruno, since there is no reason for other State Senate GOP wall mounts to stick around.

To steal a line from Bob Dylan’s third album cover, “The Times They Are a-Changing”

Mean Dean Skelos

June 24, 2008

Dean Skelos…. what do you know about him?

Well, I’m assuming you know about as much as I did before I read up on him. Allow me to fill you in on Mean Dean.

When you look at his record you’ll see the man who authored Megan’s law and voted to get rid of the commuter tax in New York City. Not bad you might say, however when you look into his voting history you’ll realize that he is just another Washington insider.

At the annual New York State Republican Party dinner Republican Vice President Dick Cheney was the keynote speaker. In the address Mr Cheney said America was “succeeding brilliantly” in Iraq. If we’re succeeding so brilliantly in Iraq why are we still there?

I find it hard to believe that someone who has $750 a person dinners in Albany is a man of the people.

This is the man who blocked the MTA from buying more buses in order to alleviate congestion in New York City and make it easier for people to commute. With the high prices of gasoline, I’m pretty sure those buses would of been a good investment. Especially when you consider the fact that these were express buses.

On top of that he has been spending your tax money on pork barrel pet projects. $250,000.00 to renovate a baseball field in his district? Do you really need that much money to fix up a baseball field? On top of that another $250,000.00 for a flight worthy B-17 for a museum.

This is exactly what Albany has been doing. This is why we’re the most gridlocked legislature in the nation! If we keep spending our tax dollars on things like this when kids in schools can’t read books. What’s more important to you? Would you rather have a highway reconstruction, bringing jobs to your neighborhood and increasing your economy, or would you rather have a big shiny airplane in a museum?

Museums are great! But you have to do what is important first. Joe Bruno has left the economy in a bad state. Dean seems just like more of the same. Thankfully the democrats will take back the State Senate this year and will give Governor Patterson the majority he needs in order to pass some useful legislation.

The time for change is now!

Dean Skelos

The Race Seen Around the State

June 21, 2008

In the roughly 40 years that Republicans have dominated New York State politics, never have the Democrats been so close to finally taking back the notoriously Blue state. The fight won’t be easy, but it will be won in the most unlikely place; Suffolk County Long Island.


Brian Foley never expected to be watched by so many eyes in the state, but this Brookhaven native went from local hero to statewide tie breaker. He served as a Suffolk County Legislator until he was term limited out and now serves as Brookhaven’s Town Supervisor. Brian has worked to bring comprehensive tax reform to the area; which is stereotypically what the Republicans campaign on (whether or not they actually do it)He helped end decades of corruption in Brookhaven brought about by the well-entrenched Republican machine. As one supporter puts it: “Under the Republican leadership Brookhaven became Crookhaven, but with Brian, we finally have our Safehaven.” Mr. Foley is now looking to bring this mentality to Albany by running for State Senate in the 3rd District.

To put it into some perspective: Suffolk County Long Island has not elected a Democrat into the State Senate in…and I’m not exaggerating…108 years.  The gridlock has gained National attention, as New York’s government has been ranked the most gridlocked in the entire nation. For Governor Patterson and New York State to finally be able to get things done, and finally get help to the people who need it most, we need to have Brian Foley win this seat. It is imperative as New Yorkers that we finally have our proper representation in our government and have the Democrats run the show for once. In my personal opinion, the coming months will see a lot more of Brian X. Foley.

