Posted tagged ‘James Gennaro’

SD-11 Race Final, Padavan Holds On.

February 11, 2009

With the annoucement finally here James Gennaro’s campaign sent out this statement.

Dear Friend:
     2008 was an exciting and most historic year for politics in America, and I’m proud we were a part of it.  All across the country and here in Queens, people cried out for change, and I’m proud that our campaign brought the promise of change to tens of thousands of doorsteps in a way unseen in four decades.
     I’m proud that almost 100,000 people voted in the 11th Senate District, and that half of those voters believed in and supported us.  I’m proud that we ran an issue-based campaign, educating the public about my opponent’s voting record, especially with regard to women’s health and rights, and proposing fresh new ideas like building a green economy and protecting New York City’s drinking water supply. I’m proud that we also enlightened voters to some of the serious problems that need addressing in Albany, like the billions of New York City taxpayer dollars that go to Albany to be distributed to other parts of our State and leave New York City struggling to pay for basic services.  And I’m proud that we ran a campaign of complete inclusion, uniting a wide range of supporters of all ages, ethnicities, religions and walks of life who collectively represent a new 11th Senate District, one of the 21st Century.
     Little did I know, however, that another, even more significant campaign was to commence after Election Day.  For three months that succeeded, our opponent and his Republican Party lawyers used every resource at their disposal to wage a systematic and sustained effort to either disqualify or deny the consideration of perfectly valid ballots.  As important as any local election is, the right to vote and have that vote count is of paramount importance.  This became our new focus – to fight our opponent’s attempts to disenfranchise voters and to ensure that every valid ballot would be identified and counted.  And, while we did not prevail in the election, we won a great victory: about 1,000 voters – Democrats, Republicans and Independents – who cast perfectly valid ballots in this most historic election – will now have their votes for President, U.S. Representative, State Senate, State Assembly and Supreme and Civil Court counted rather than discarded.
     I take this opportunity to thank in a special way my wonderful and supportive family, inspired and relentless staff, energetic and spirited volunteers, loyal and generous supporters and all the voters of the 11th Senate District, who by participating in this election demonstrated their personal commitment to our community and our great country.  It has been a great honor and a privilege for me to serve the public for the last 26 years in government and for the last seven years as a Councilman. I pledge to continue to fight for and serve the people of Northeast Queens.  There is serious work to be done in fixing our economy, preserving our communities, protecting our environment and making sure that the world we leave our children is a better one than the one our parents left us.
     I’m so grateful to you for your generous support, and I look forward to seeing you soon!  Of course, please feel free to send me a message any time at

All the best,

We wish him all the best.

Judge Rules for St. John’s Students

December 3, 2008

At yesterday’s hearing, in which 5 students from St. John’s University were subpoenaed by the Republican Party to validate their voter registration, Justice Kevin J. Kerrigan of State Supreme Court stated that the subpoenas were nothing more than a nuisance and ordered that they be dismissed. He told the students that they had no obligation to present any materials, and he asked them to leave the courtroom and return to their studies.

We applaud Justice Kerrigan’s ruling on this issue. This has been a distraction to students who were simply exercising their right to vote. These are not criminals who have illegally voted or violated election law; these are college students who took time to cast their ballots in a historic election.

Thankfully reason prevailed as the Republican Party shamefully attempted to intimidate first time voters. College students were unfairly targeted because Republicans saw them as an easy target. They attempted to take students to court for fulfilling their civic duty. The College Democrats Chapter at St. John’s University will always fight to keep anyone from being intimidated into silence.

Republicans vs Students

December 2, 2008

Here in SD-11 the Republican party has it out for the students of St. John’s University. After challenging the votes of some voters in the district (as is usual for elections) the Republican party is challenging the votes of students here.

Senator Frank (the tank) Padavan has subpoenaed a handful of students at St. John’s.

The New York Times reports:

“Republican lawyers have challenged the votes of students, mostly from St. John’s University, saying that they filled out affidavit ballots with addresses that were not their permanent residences. In the paper ballot count, Mr. Padavan is leading by about 600 votes, but about 1,000 more ballots remained to be counted and the validity of an additional 2,000 must still be reviewed.

While the challenges and subpoenas have angered students, who are being forced to appear during exams, they underscore the high stakes attached to winning the Senate seat in Queens.”

The Republican party has gone out of its way to hassle students who were excited to vote in an election for the first time in decades.

Yesterday, I spoke with a classmate of mine who was recently featured in the Times article who was incensed that the Republican party has challenged her vote in court not only forcing her to prove she voted legally, but the fact that it’s during the final exams.

I’m glad this race is finally getting the attention from bigger media outlets it deserves. From what I know, students are upset but will show in court. I ask you, don’t let this discourage you from voting in the future. Do not let anyone take away your right to vote. I leave you with a quote from Lyndon B. Johnson.

“The vote is the most powerful instrument ever devised by man for breaking down injustice and destroying the terrible walls which imprison men because they are different from other men.”

Lets break down this wall of injustice.

9 Days away: Obama calls on volunteers to help

October 26, 2008

I can’t believe it’s almost over. At times it seems like the longest campaign ever, at times the shortest. Today in Colorado in front of an audience of 100,000 Barack Obama reminded us why we are here.

“The reason that all of us are here is because somewhere in the past we had a parent or a grandparent who said, you know I may never go to college, but I’m going to work hard. I’m going to save that little bit, maybe my child or my grandchild will go to college. I may not ever own my own business, I’m going to have to work in this dirty tough job but you know maybe if i work hard I can give my child a better future and maybe they’ll own their first business someday.

Maybe some of your parents or grandparents, they were born in another country without freedom of speech or freedom of worship but they said you know what, we know there’s this land across the ocean called America where it’s a land of opportunity and a land of freedom and we’re willing to take the risk to travel to that place to create a better future for our children and our grandchildren.

In this audience there are people who’s parents or grandparents couldn’t cast a vote but they said to themselves maybe my child or my grandchild, if we march, if we struggle maybe they will be able to run for the Untied States Senate maybe they might run for the presidency of the United States of America. That’s what this election is about, that’s why you’re here today.

And if you will organize with me, and march with me, and knock on doors with me and make phone calls with me for 9 more days then I promise you we will not just win Denver, we will win Colorado. We will win this election and you and I together, we’re going to change this country and change the world

Thank you everybody. God bless you, God bless the United States of America”

I personally urge all of you, reach out to your fellow Americans. Pick up the phone, dust off those walking shoes, even drive to another state. Rarely in your life will you get an opportunity to say you played a major part in changing the direction of the most powerful country in the world for the better.

Here below is how you can help.

Barack Obama for President
If you want to reach out and make phone calls click here.
If you want to drive to another state click here.
If you want to volunteer then click here.

If you want to help out locally and affect change you will see everyday, help out your local races for State Senate. We have some very urgent State Senate races here in Queens and Suffolk County to take out some long time Republican incumbents and turn the State blue for the first time in decades!

Take a moment out of your day, to make a change on the local level. Change starts with you. Let’s make sure Republicans not only know this is our country, but this is our state. Let’s take it back!

James Gennaro for State Senate

He’s a Democrat in North Eastern Queens looking to unseat 18 term Republican incumbent Frank Padavan. He’s done enormous work in protecting the environment and keeping this part of Queens from being overdeveloped. Frank is no friend of the College Democrats, and I will not hide the fact that getting him out of office would be a dream come true.

If you want to help out the efforts just call HQ at (347) 438-1420.
Tell them the College Dems sent you, you’ll be welcome with open arms.

Joe Addabbo for State Senate

Another Democrat looking to unseat 20 year incumbent Serphin Maltese. Joe Addabbo along with Jim Gennaro voted No on extending term limits without hearing the voice of the voters so both of these men have my respect and gratitude. Let’s make sure we elect honorable politicians like these into office.

If you want to help out Joe in South Western Queens call HQ at (718) 366-4057
Tell them St. John’s sent you!

Brian X. Foley for State Senate

What can I say about Brian that hasn’t been said about him before? He’s great! As Brookhaven Town Supervisor he’s made it the only Long Island town that wont see a Tax Increase. Brookhaven is no longer Crookhaven and he’s going up against a man who seems to have lost his bearings. This is another race close to the hearts of the College Democrats, Stony Brook University has been doing a hell of a job out there, but they’re overtaxed.

Help out Brian in Suffolk County call HQ at (631) 846-8503
Tell them St. John’s sent you!

1199 SEIU Endorses Frank Padavan

October 21, 2008

It seems as if Republican incumbent State Senator Frank the tank Padavan received the endorsement of 1199 SEIU today despite their national endorsement of Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama. This prompted a response from Democratic candidate for the State Senate James Gennaro:

FLUSHING, NY (Oct. 21, 2008) — Democratic State Senate candidate Jim Gennaro made the following statement today regarding 1199SEIU’s endorsement of Republican incumbent Senator Frank Padavan:

“It’s ironic that Frank Padavan would be endorsed by a health care union when he was one of only 10 Senators to vote against the Women’s Health and Wellness Act (S7657), which improved access to preventative health care procedures like mammograms, and one of only five extreme Senators to vote against the Clinic Access and Anti-Stalking Act (S6146), which created stricter penalties for people who intentionally injure health care clinic patients and staff.”

1199 is the United Healthcare Workers East. It claims to be the largest local union in the world. It is affiliated with Service Employees International Union.

St. John’s University Candidate Forum

September 23, 2008
Congressman Weiner

Congressman Weiner

Last night, I along with a room full of students and community members were treated to a forum of local candidates. St. John’s University hosted candidates ranging from Republican candidate for State Senate Peter Koo to United States Representative Anthony D. Weiner who made a brief appearance to an adoring crowd before leaving for a flight down to D.C.

At the forum were Congressman Weiner, a representative from Congressman Meeks’ office (who is a St. John’s Alum) State Senator Frank Padavan, his opponent Councilman James Gennaro, State Senator Toby Ann Stavisky, her opponent Peter Koo, Assemblyman Rory Lancman and Assemblyman Weprin.

The crowd at the forum

The crowd at the forum

The night began with an exchange between the representatives from the Obama campaign and the McCain campaign. The questions centered around how their respective candidates would change the way the country was run. From the crisis on Wall Street to the role of women and even as esoteric as the capital gains tax.

The panel brought up a question asking about jobs for graduating college students. Eventually Peter Koo was asked and he had a piece of advice to students, “if you are offered a job, take it.” He then started talking about small business and that became the quote of the night. Everyone started talking about their support for small business.

The focus then shifted to keeping kids in school and furthering their education. Senator Stavisky replied with something which I didn’t expect. “With all due respect, not everyone needs to go to college.” She cited her experience teaching at Thomas Edison Vocational High School. It seems she was saying that while she obviously wants students to go to college and further their studies, we do need the laborers of the future. Some may not see college as for them and we should not be critical of them, rather help them in their studies, either in training schools or programs of some nature.

A college republican on the panel posed a question to Peter Koo which drew an outburst from Assemblyman (more…)

Bye bye Bruno…

June 24, 2008

Only four days after letters were sent by Democratic candidates to State Senate Republicans demanding that they support the property tax cap, Republican State Senator Joseph Bruno (SD-43) saw the writing on the wall and decided not to run for re-election. What this does is open up his seat for an unanticipated uncontested dog fight. It will actually draw attention away from other vital State Senate races such as the Trunzo (R) v. Foley/Dahroug (D) (SD-3), Padavan (R) v. Gennaro (D) (SD-11), Maltese (R) v. Addabbo/Baldeo (D) (SD-15), and Hannon (R) v. McElroy (D) (SD-06).

It looks like Bruno’s successor, Dean Skelos (R) (SD-9), is going to be voted in today by Senate Republicans over Thomas Libous (R) (SD-52). When Skelos becomes the majority leader, it’ll be the first time since 1995 that the Senate power will return to Long Island. It’s too bad that the Senate majority will be short lived for Republicans with the departure of Joe Bruno, since there is no reason for other State Senate GOP wall mounts to stick around.

To steal a line from Bob Dylan’s third album cover, “The Times They Are a-Changing”