Posted tagged ‘hispanic caucus’

Better Know A Member

July 11, 2008

So today we have Shamil Rodriguez, Chair of the Hispanic Caucus of the College Democrats of America sitting down with me for our latest installment of Better Know A Member.

CP: So Shamil, why did you decide to become a democrat?
SR: My father went to Iraq and came back injured and he wanted me to go more on the education route. And he was afraid that I would be treated the same way he was, so for me, I just saw the war and I said why couldn’t I be one of those decision makers. Why can’t I be one of those guys that makes the decisions.

CP: So, you were president of College Democrats two years ago, what was it like 2 years ago?
SR: We used to have two meetings, it was a lot of infrastructure development. Our biggest concern was just being able to have consistent meetings and being able to have a few programs a year and increasing membership. We were unknown to everyone, people didn’t even know if there was a college democrats chapter on campus.

CP: So what was your biggest obstacle then?
SR: Increasing members, and increasing the active membership and developing infrastructure. Our executive board saw first hand what could happen to an organization if the entire e-board graduates. We had to literally re-create the wheel.
