Posted tagged ‘Michelle Obama’


July 6, 2008

Lately in the news we’ve been seeing a series of attacks on Michelle Obama. The pundits(Fox News) and the GOP claim that she is fair game because she made a comment that she was “finally proud to be an American”. It’s astounding that people would go hysterical over a comment like that from someone who is black and who is a woman from a major city, raising two children in the USA. But regardless, if we are going to be petty children over what ‘he said she said’ allow me to say a few words about Cindy McCain.

Cindy McCain was born to an incredibly wealthy family, her father founded Hensley and Co. a large scale distributor for Anheuser-Busch of which she is now the chair. She lived the typical life anyone would expect, eventually marrying John McCain (then in the Navy). In 1989 Cindy developed a drug addiction. She became addicted to several perscription painkillers such as Valium and Perocet. Cindy took the drugs because of a recent surgery, and to ease the pain from the Keating Five Scandal. Her addiction got so bad that she actually resorted to theft. But here’s the punchline. Cindy McCain stole those perscription drugs from a charity organization that was meant to benefit the sick and dying in third world nations, THAT SHE FOUNDED! Thankfully, Cindy did recover from her addiction, but she has stayed two steps behind John ever since.

I do not write this as an attack on Cindy McCain. I do not write this as an attack on John McCain. Rather I write this because it is appauling to me how Michelle Obama gets treated after one sentence and a “terrorist fist jab” and yet Cindy McCain is allowed to steal medicine from starving children and it never gets mentioned once.  I highly doubt that Fox News would ever run this story in a fair way, and I’m sure Sean Hannity would find some diabolical way to make stealing drugs totally acceptable. But maybe someday this story will be picked up and people can see that maybe a young black woman finally seeing progress for blacks and women in this nation after 200 years isn’t as bad a rich white woman who stole drugs from children of third world nations to get her fix.

Cindy and Michelle

Barack Obama… secret terrorist?

June 12, 2008

Yes… yes, you heard it. The always fair and balanced Fox News claimed Obama’s fist bump with his wife Michelle Obama is a terrorist fist jab. Yes, Barack Obama is in league with the worst of them.

Upon further investigation Fox News also discovered that the terrorists have infiltrated Major League Baseball as seen here

It seems that the terrorists have also manged to get into the National Basketball Association, the National Football Association and the National Hockey Association. But it’s not just terrorists, it’s also communists!


and black radicals!

black power

So be careful with these terrorists on the loose among us. You never know who or where they are. We don’t know when they will strike next so they are a threat to our survival, we will have to raise the alert level to whatever is above Yellow.

Just remember that the next time you friend tells you to “pound it”
pound it

Buy him a one way ticket to Guantanamo

Remember everybody to stay safe, and steer clear of secret terrorists, and secret Muslims. One way to tell if someone is a secret Muslim is if they spend a lot of time in the middle east, and hang out with other well known Muslims. Just keep your eyes open.